RAMADHAN datang menjenguh kembali ! yakni pada esok hari, tercermin kegembiraan di wajah wajah SEKELIAN manusia di sekeliling hidupku :D ramadhan tahun ni sangat sangat bermakna, in case that this is my first RAMADHAN ever that I use to got through this fasting month as UNIVERSITY TODAY! a bit nervous on how my life is going on here. as we still need to use the 'THE STAIRWAYS TO HEAVEN'. and of course it's something compulsory as it is the only fastest ways to lecture, (instead for those who that often use the BUS or riding MOTORCYCLE!) ok this will be a best year from me, as before, in school i dont have to climb up the stairs and just went back from school to hostel as it is just takes less than 4 minutes from school. that's great, no too tired. so when im here, i still couldnt imagine, how tired am i going to be :D haha.. btw, besides RAMADHAN, another important next weeks is:
TEST! i cant describe this scary word! seriously, it makes me feel im in between death and live, im scared! for the reason that
+ im not doing any revision YET!
+ Mr. Physics badly whack me every single day with its
+Mr. Chemist is mixing my brains with an unknown chemical substance that lead me to blur ! haha
btw, i really enjoy my BEL(ENGLISH) class very well :D this is not a tension subject to be learned of!
seriously. i can't bear to this fear! i can count the days before test using all my fingers! a bit scary, and even more scarier knowing my self at the peak of weakness --, i dont know, which subject i need to revise first. seems to be hard for me, as i can't count how many topics that i lost during lectures due to sleepiness, out of focus, and for sure, i want to get rid of them, my enemies, yet my own self --,
im shaking, SERIOUSLY. thinking about all those problems that rounding my head without being considerate to me . T.T haha. btw, i'll go to RSU to perform my first TARAWIH for this year! im exited, yet still want to spend my night with tarawih, then go through with QUICK revision with HAIRUL, and hope it's work! AMIN. insyaAllah, moga kita bertemu di sekelian hari, ASSALAMUALAIKUM
di kesempatan ini, aku nak ucap selamat menyambut ramadhan al-mubarak! semoga dapat menunaikan ibadat dengan sebanyak mungkin untuk mendapatkan balasan pahala yang tidak ternilai harga. mari isi masa di bulan ramadhan dengan sesuatu yang memberi manafaat kepada diri sendiri dan orang lain!
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